1 - my home internet has not been working properly, so that it has taken as long as 20 minutes to log onto the blog.
2 - work got a little busy.
3 - family got a lot busy.
So here is the thing about being busy: it blows your budget.
For about 6 days after my last post I worked. A lot. Over 60 hours in a week. And then I traveled to Idaho to visit my mom for a few days.
That sounds great, but one of the things that it made me realize is how much time and effort it takes to live within a tight budget for food. I was too busy to coupon, too busy to cook, too busy to be careful with my shopping. Of course, I was also too busy to eat, so it didn't much matter.
Then I realized something else: when you are too busy to think about your food, you tend to eat whatever you can get your hands on. Chocolate bars. Soda pop. And yes, I blew my budget. Two weeks running.
This is how things happen in real life. And real life happens to people on food stamps all the time.
This week, back to normal. Sort of. I have a working dinner tomorrow night, church dinner Wednesday night. So I am deducting $5 from my weekly budget. This will account for the meals I eat outside my budget.
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